Posts filed under Life Transitions

Out of My Comfort Zone: Beyond Comfort: Marrakesh, Entrepreneurship, and Self-Discovery

In the heart of Marrakesh, seated at a long table laden with tangerines and wafting aromatic delights, my discomfort was palpable. Surrounded by a group of 12 artist participants, all connected by history and relationships, I, the lone traveler, introduced myself. “Hi, I’m Susan from Ann Arbor and am here alone.” To which the entire group immediately replied, “No, you’re not?!”

Motherhood as a ReVillaging Rite of Passage

Almost four years into my personal journey into motherhood, I have learned that some of my challenges are wildly common. Near-constant sensory and logistical overwhelm, deconstructing of (well-intended) pre-baby idealism, hard-to-communicate grief and resentments, and the occasional dose of blinding hot rage or anxiety. My journey has also been, however, a powerful invitation to a rite of passage through and beyond what author Beth Berry calls “Motherwhelm.”

Dying to Wake Up

Though Boo wasn’t my “real” grandfather I could not miss the realness of his final days. Despite the sticky doorknob, the smell of last week’s lunch, dead flowers, and the junk pile obstacle course, I made my way to his bedside. The clutter used to spark an uncomfortable itch throughout my body, but I’d accepted it. His 98-year-old body was tired, but his spirit was very much alive as he pondered the end.

From Doubt to Perseverance: A Local Practitioner’s Story

My journey to self-discovery began about 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with lupus. For many years the disease kicked my butt. I was severely depressed, constantly in and out of the hospital, having one issue after another. I often had a hard time taking care of myself, and my children, especially after filing for separation from their father. I moved back home from Virginia to Michigan and started over. I tried my best to make a good life for myself and my sons, but lupus wouldn’t let me be. I have had many near-death experiences, the last time being the worst. I then promised myself I wouldn’t let lupus kill me. I was determined to get better. I was going to find a way to cure myself.

Green Burial: From Stardust to Soil

On a cloudy afternoon this past winter, as we stood in the muted, gray light of our kitchen, I said to my wife, “When I die, just put me in the ground, maybe wrapped in a shroud—or in a pine box, or something like that—and let nature do its thing.”

Out of My Comfort Zone: Sometimes I Fall: The Discomfort of Asking

In response to your kind inquiry, ‘Would you be interested in writing?,’ right off the bat, I’ve been transported a few miles, to the outskirts of the town of Discomfort. I stare at its welcome sign. Founded: at the beginning of human time. Population: countless.

Tying the Knot in Nature

Infusing a wedding with nature adds a sense of lighthearted whimsy and charm through elements such as fresh air, natural lighting, vibrant flowers, and wildlife. Several local venues bring the ceremony to nature's doorstep by offering outdoor ceremony sites, while others bring nature indoors. Some Crazy Wisdom favorites include botanical gardens, riverside views, sprawling fields, and vineyards. Each of the following venues is unique, but all of them offer nature's aesthetic beauty and are perfect options for a nature-inspired wedding.

How Humor Helps Me Over a Hurdle

I’m working once again to lose my post-pregnancy weight…it’s been 25 years since the baby. There have been peaks and valleys, fitness regimens and meal plans. Just when I thought I had things under control, menopause slapped me in the face. I hit a plateau. A brick wall. A stand-off.

Finding Myself Through Human Design

On New Year’s Eve 2020, I was feeling a lot of pressure about choosing a career path. The pressure came from my partner of six years, Jake. He was frustrated that I could not just choose a career and stick with it. He couldn’t understand that I no longer wanted to work a traditional job and felt burnt out. I felt like I was living in the movie Groundhog’s Day. No matter where I worked, I always found myself in the same situation. Either the boss would not understand me and become angry or frustrated, or if it was not the boss, it would be a co-worker. Every traditional job I had seemed to chew me up and spit me out. I would find myself in a pattern of staying for about two years before the environment became toxic, and I would hop to the next job. I never understood why this would happen. I was a hard worker, friendly, and did my best, but it did not matter. I was stuck in the same cycle.

Posted on May 1, 2023 and filed under Issue #83, Life Transitions, Personal Growth.

Out of My Comfort Zone: Living Outside My Comfort Zone

Upon reflecting on “a single time” that I have moved outside of my zone of comfort, I am somewhat stumped. I realized while considering this topic that I virtually live outside of my comfort zone. My life is what I call “living on a prayer.” I work in the healing industry and have been a self-employed woman for well over 20 years of my 23 years of healing service.

Wintering Within

As I write this the days are lengthening, the sun riding high in the sky, and the expansiveness of summer stretches before me—though the days seem to be filling fast. So much to cram in here, in Michigan, where summer is the fleetest season: lake time, picnics, parties, peony blooms, and cicada chirps, fireflies and star showers, light until late in the evening and 4 a.m. birdsong. Long, hot, humid-filled days and hopefully, lots of water play. But you will be reading this after all that has passed, and the days shorten. I am always surprised how soon the dark comes in late August, how quickly the dusk rises, how the trees begin their color change, their leaf drop.

The Modern Lost Boy--Balancing Inner Divinity

As I drove down a familiar road on a particularly sunny August day, I stumbled upon a sign just at the edge of the street that read, “discipline equals freedom.” Ironically, this inspirational motto was posted by a storage facility on Ann Arbor’s southeastern tip. Even more interesting, this seemingly insignificant board would almost instantly redirect the course of my life— dramatic, I know.

Out of My Comfort Zone: The Paradox of Dying

I will never forget the moment when I walked into the hospice home for the first time to see my dad. A palliative care doctor recommended hospice care the day before and he was transferred to this hospice home from a rehabilitation facility. I had been his primary caretaker throughout his rapid decline—navigating the hospital scene, confronting doctors, and aggressively advocating for his care. This situation was without a doubt my comfort zone—having concrete things to fix and fixing them. I was confident in my abilities, and due to an extensive history of trauma, seemingly thrived in the chaos and intensity of the situation.

Tending the Divine Feminine Flame

awoke in my first breath with a deep yen in my heart. My soul’s purpose and mission on earth was to know the nature of the feminine and to find myself constantly in love with love and being loved. I searched for her, the face of the feminine divine, everywhere. I looked under stones, oh how I worshipped the woods. I dipped curious fingers into streams filled with crawfish because water was my solace. I leaned on trees and listened for her. In the night sky with winking stars and shining moon I would gaze, wishing to see a glimmering reflection of that which is in me. I devoured the power of femininity in women’s narratives and every book my young fingers could grip. In the sanctuary of a church, and the ritual of song and word, I wished to feel her. My young soul was a deep well of wanting to know her. Our deepest desires are non-negotiable.

Out of My Comfort Zone: Being a Parent to a Parent

I couldn’t find her anywhere. I went to all the places where she could be, asked store clerks, drove by frequented bus stops and walking patterns, and then went back to her apartment. In her bedroom I found her mobile phone, apartment keys, and her ID. I was uncomfortable and a bit in a panic. How long should I wait before I call the police? My brain said “long enough.” I made the call.

Random Acts of Kindness: International Neighbors--Sisters From All Around the World

When Eunkyun “Nana” Oh first joined International Neighbors (IN), an Ann Arbor-based nonprofit, in fall 2019, she knew she had finally found a way to feel like she belonged to the community. “It’s difficult for foreigners when they first come here,” she explained. “Especially for women who come here to support their husbands and children. Maybe in Korea they are important. But I talked to one Korean woman who said when she first came here, she thought to herself: “I am nothing here. I am like dust.”

Posted on January 1, 2022 and filed under Issue #79, kindness, Life Transitions.

Restoration Through Ink

Identity, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.” As a society, now more than ever, the meaning of one’s identity has never been more fluid or more open to interpretation. What defines someone’s identity? The answer is different for everyone. But for those asking that question, tattoo artist Jamie Wedge at the Lovely Monkey Tattoo in Whitmore Lake is hoping to provide a solution.

Out of My Comfort Zone: Fall 2021, Angie Martell and Lama Nancy Burks

Crazy Wisdom Journal asked a number of leaders in southeastern Michigan’s conscious living community to reflect upon times in their lives that they’ve left their comfort zones to venture out in new ways. In the distant past or much more recently, we asked, what did you do, what inspired you, did it change you, inside or outside, big or little? Did you attend a new class, take an adventurous trip, go skydiving, stretch beyond a long entrenched boundary, start a new relationship or end an old one, take a leap, retire, join the Peace Corps, go on a night trek in the wilderness, or just do something way out of your ordinary?