From Doubt to Perseverance: A Local Practitioner’s Story

By Krystal Rain Bonner

My journey to self-discovery began about 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with lupus. For many years the disease kicked my butt. I was severely depressed, constantly in and out of the hospital, having one issue after another. I often had a hard time taking care of myself, and my children, especially after filing for separation from their father. I moved back home from Virginia to Michigan and started over. I tried my best to make a good life for myself and my sons, but lupus wouldn’t let me be. I have had many near-death experiences, the last time being the worst. I then promised myself I wouldn’t let lupus kill me. I was determined to get better. I was going to find a way to cure myself.

Anything I could change for the better I did. I researched all kinds of alternative natural healing modalities and came across three books that changed my way of thinking—and changed my life. The Power of Now, The Law of Attraction, and Crystal Healer. I developed a love for crystals and energy and began doing healing sessions on myself. I didn’t cure myself, but I did get better. Eventually, better enough to get a job for the first time since I was fired 12 years prior for taking too much time off.

The job was for Worksite Chair Massage doing office tasks and any other work my boss would give me. My employer exposed me to a community filled with therapists, energy, and body workers of all kinds. In my experience, everyone I talked to about crystals and energy thought I was crazy, but the people I was meeting in this role were working professionally with alternative methods. I was inspired to train and become certified in Reiki and Crystal Healing.

I began to offer services at Evenstar’s Chalice and started receiving great feedback. Continuing to work at Worksite Chair Massage, I began to wonder if I could be a massage therapist. Despite being encouraged by my then employer, now mentor, I had a lot of self-doubt. I worried that I wouldn’t be any good, that it would be too much, or that I may hurt myself. I also considered that it could be good for me and my career. Ultimately, I became a massage therapist and I’m so glad I did. Graduating from Irene’s Myomassology Institute was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I loved massage and excelled at it, but then Covid happened, and I had to rethink, second guess everything I was working for. I decided to develop a product line that entailed handmade organic skin care, self-care products, and jewelry made with crystals, to keep my family afloat during the lockdown. I also received the opportunity to work as a deep listener for the app Hearme, where I learned valuable listening skills. I really enjoyed doing this work and feel it positively impacted the clients and employees. Eventually my time with the app came to an end though I still saw value with the service. The training and experience I received there helped me communicate effectively with my business partner, my clients, and in my personal life. I eventually handcrafted a listening service that I feel is beneficial to the community. The deep listening sessions provide clients with an unbiased sounding board for their thoughts, worries, and ideas surrounding any of their life situations, that they may not want to share with family or friends. I use my knowledge of active and reflective listening while asking key questions to help clients navigate through their emotions and situations. This then enables clients to embrace peace, resolution, closure, a different approach, or a different perspective. No advice is given, because sometimes you just need someone to listen.

After restrictions were lifted, I was generously offered a place to practice at the Cocoa Healing Collective, and my business, Authentic Healing Touch, was officially opened. After some time, I moved my practice to where it is currently in the Enlightened Soul Center. Last year I co-founded a wellness company that specializes in stress management for businesses, educational institutions, and medical facilities. My journey is not over yet. I’m still learning, growing, and healing. I have so much gratitude for being alive and finding a career and community that I love.

Krystal Rain is a passionate entrepreneur born and raised in Detroit. She is a Massage Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Crystal Healer, and Deep Listener. Rain is the co-owner of Mobile Stress Management Solutions, a wellness company that provides stress management services to businesses, educational institutions, and medical facilities, and owner of Authentic Healing Touch. Learn more on the websites, and

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