Spirit Seeds, Spring-Summer 2024

By Triana Jones

Welcome to Spirit Seeds! I’m Triana, your guide through this journey of inquiry. I am a single mother, a Wounded Healer, Eclectic Witch, and practicing Spiritualist. The last few years I have been spent in the pursuit of knowledge which I believe is one of the master keys of life. I received my first oracle deck from my grandfather sixteen years ago and have been reading cards professionally for the past seven years. In 2023, I was certified in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy and Herbalism.

In this new column, we’ll embark on a journey of holistic exploration, delving into ancient practices and unraveling the enigmas of existence. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a curious newcomer, this column offers a platform for deepening your understanding and expanding your consciousness. Join me as we navigate this fascinating terrain together, where your questions and perspectives are not only valued but essential to our collective growth. Are you curious about a certain metaphysical subject or practice? Seeking advice or perspective on a spiritual or holistic matter? Submit your questions at AskSpiritSeed@gmail.com and have a chance to be featured in our next issue.

What are the most effective techniques for activating a crystal grid, and how do these techniques vary based on the grid’s purpose (such as healing versus protection)?

Activating a crystal grid is super easy and involves harnessing the energies of crystals to achieve specific intentions. The effectiveness of this process greatly depends on the grid’s purpose. For healing, I recommend cleansing your crystals with sage smoke or placing them under running water (first,check the gem’s compatibility with water) to rid them of any stagnant energies. Then, arrange the crystals in a geometric pattern, focusing on your intention for healing. Use a clear quartz or selenite wand to connect the crystals, envisioning a flow of healing energy throughout the grid. Place a central stone, like amethyst or rose quartz, as a focal point. Take a moment to ground yourself and set your intention. What is it that needs healing? Project that intention into the entire grid from your third eye. Visualize the healing happen, and this will program the crystals to your intention.

For protection, a different approach is needed. Begin by grounding yourself through meditation or deep breathing. Choose protective stones like black tourmaline or obsidian and arrange them in a circle or a shield-like formation. Visualize a powerful energy barrier emanating from the crystals, creating a protective shield around you or your space.

In both cases, your intention, focus, and intuition are key to activating the grid successfully, and these techniques can be adapted to suit various purposes from manifestation to spiritual growth. Crystal grids can be left for however long you need them as the effects last as long as the grid stays in place; but, they require maintenance with regular cleansing of the crystals and space around the grid.

What are some examples of sacred sounds and vibrations? How can I incorporate sound frequencies into my spiritual and physical healing practices?

Healing frequencies hold potent effects on well-being. 432 Hz assists in reducing stress, fostering relaxation, expanding awareness, and forging a stronger connection with nature and the universe. It aligns with the Earth’s vibrations and its ability to nurture harmony. This frequency aids in emotional healing and releasing negativity. 528 Hz, the “DNA Repair Frequency,” also known as “The Miracle Frequency,” fosters cellular renewal, enhances immunity, and elevates energy levels. Combined with visualization, this frequency aids in physical healing. Known as “The Love Frequency,” 639 Hz is associated with the heart chakra and helps release negative emotions and thoughts, improving relationships, reducing stress, and enhancing creativity. By incorporating this frequency into your daily routine, you can promote harmony, emotional well-being, and overall health. “Spiritual Order Frequency,” 852 Hz, stimulates the Third Eye, enhancing intuition and spiritual insight. 256 Hz grounds the Root Chakra, fostering stability and connection. Select frequencies aligning with your goals and explore guided meditations or music compositions. Combine them with visualization for heightened effects. Trust your intuition for a unique healing journey.

Spotify and YouTube are great resources to find these frequencies to listen to for free. Check out The Healing Power of Sound: Recovery from Life-Threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice, and Music, by Dr. Mitchell L. Gaynor, to read more on the topic.

Is there scientific evidence for the existence of Parallel Dimensions and Alternate Realities?

The concept of parallel dimensions and alternate realities sparks deep contemplation. Scientific evidence may be limited, but theoretical frameworks and phenomena hint at their existence. The double-slit experiment demonstrates that particles like light can behave as waves and particles simultaneously. When light passes through two slits, it creates an interference pattern, indicating wave-like behavior. However, when scientists attempt to observe which slit the particles pass through, the interference pattern disappears, revealing particle-like behavior. It’s mind-blowing when you think about it. This experiment underscores the puzzling nature of quantum mechanics, where particles exhibit dual behavior until observed. Check out Double Slit Experiment Explained! by Jim Al-Khalili on YouTube for an in-depth explanation.

Quantum entanglement implies interconnected realms. This theory suggests particles can become connected in a way that one particle instantaneously influences the state of another, regardless of the distance separating them. Altered states of consciousness reveal alternate realities, as experienced through meditation or near-death experiences. Spiritual traditions emphasize higher planes and realms, so many have a story of what lies on the other side. While traditional science lacks definitive proof, quantum physics, and subjective experiences suggest the existence of parallel dimensions. This concept bridges the gap between science and spirituality inviting ongoing exploration.

How do belief systems and social conditioning influence the success or failure of manifesting intentions, and what strategies can be employed for deprogramming oneself?

Belief systems and social conditioning play a pivotal role in the manifestation process. Our deeply ingrained beliefs and societal norms often create subconscious barriers that either hinder or facilitate our ability to manifest intentions. To succeed in deprogramming oneself, it’s essential first to become aware of these limiting beliefs. Self-reflection, meditation, and journaling can aid in identifying these thought patterns. Once recognized, replace these limiting beliefs with empowering ones that align with your desired intentions. Affirmations, visualization, and daily practice of positive thinking are potent tools for this transformation. Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals who resonate with your aspirations, as they can reinforce the shift in your belief system. By consistently working on reshaping your inner landscape, you pave the way for a more successful manifestation of your intentions, free from the constraints of outdated beliefs and conditioning.

Triana Jones is certified in Quantun Healing Hypnosis Therapy and Herbalism and is the founder of Spirit Seeds, a virtual learning space. She lives in Ypsilanti with her teenage son.

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