Water Works

I never leave the house without it. If I forget it, guess what? I’m going back for it. I take it everywhere I go. It even sits on my bedside table each night. It has become my staple. I’m lost without it. It’s refreshing, tastes great (especially infused!) and the best part is, it’s doing wonders for my body. I’m talking about water, of course.

Today, water is far more important and much healthier than a glass of milk.

I’m always quite amazed when I hear people say that they don’t drink water. Some have told me they don’t even like it. I laugh as I write this because I used to be that person. I rarely consumed water. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, it was important to get an adequate amount of calcium. Remember the slogan, “Milk, it does a body good”? Today, water is far more important and much healthier than a glass of milk. Do you ever stop and think about how many liquids you’re getting? What is your drink of choice these days? If you’re loading up on caffeine, alcohol, soda, or energy drinks, you may want to reconsider. None of these are serving you in a positive way. In fact, caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating. Perhaps you are feeling a bit fatigued, have zero energy, frequent headaches, trouble staying focused, can’t seem to lose weight. Chances are, your body is in need of water and you could be at risk for some serious health issues. I’d like to share some valuable information that will hopefully change your mind about H2O.

Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps with digestion and drinking a glass within an hour after a meal helps absorb the nutrients.

Water is both the most abundant nutrient on earth and in the human body. This natural resource serves great purpose to our cells, organs, brain, and overall health. Water is essential for a long healthy life, yet many of us take it for granted. Water is important for several reasons. 

  1. Keeps us hydrated
  2. Improves cognitive function
  3. Improves mood
  4. Boosts metabolism
  5. Promotes weight loss
  6. Helps absorb nutrients
  7. Regulates body temperature
  8. Helps excrete toxins
  9. Improves blood oxygen circulation
  10. Helps physical performance
  11. Helps constipation
  12. Boosts immune system
  13.  Helps prevent headaches
  14. Improves skin

Water is the most hydrating fluid there is. Considering how much water Americans use, most don’t drink enough of it. On average, the body of an adult human being contains 60% water. It’s important to stay well hydrated since our body loses water, naturally, through the kidneys, lungs, and intestines. This means drinking fluids of course, but foods that contain water contribute a small amount to your daily water intake as well. Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps with digestion and drinking a glass within an hour after a meal helps absorb the nutrients.

Did you know that watermelon is made up of 92% water and cucumbers 96%? Eating fruits and vegetables high in water content can replenish your body without all the artificial colors and flavors commonly found in sports drinks. How will you know if you’re getting enough water? You can tell by the color of your urine. If it’s a pale yellow, you’re well hydrated. If it’s dark yellow and you’re not going often enough, you’re probably dehydrated and need to increase your water intake.

How much water do we really need? It seems there are several opinions when it comes to this question. If you normally don’t drink water, then start out with a few glasses daily. Gradually increase to 8-8 0z. glasses a day. You could also divide your body weight by half and that’s how many ounces you should aim for each day. This is what I prefer. It also depends where you live. The hotter it is, the more water you’ll need.

Don’t like the taste of water? Infusing it with fresh fruit and herbs is a perfect way to jazz it up for added flavor. I love fresh mint and cucumber. I like to call it “spa water”. Hot lemon water is a great way to start each day. This cleanses the body and helps flush the kidneys. It’s great for detoxification, too.

Always stay hydrated and when you leave the house, don’t forget to take your water with you!

When choosing what kind of water to drink, I recommend filtered water. Bottled water has become quite popular and it’s convenient, I know. But, when plastic bottled water is stored in warm temperatures for a long period of time, it releases chemicals which may be harmful. Glass bottles are great. Keep a pitcher of filtered water in the refrigerator at home with the amount you’ll need for the day. This will keep you on track. Always stay hydrated and when you leave the house, don’t forget to take your water with you!

Rachel Lozon is a certified health and wellness coach. She graduated from The Health Coach Institute in December 2016. She is passionate about nutrition and helping people learn how to nourish their body and mind so they can live a healthy vibrant life. She runs a 5-Day whole foods detox and writes articles for Crazy Wisdom’s Community Journal. Her website is www.revitalizebodyandmind.com.

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Posted on June 18, 2018 and filed under Food and Nutrition, Health and Wellness.