Posts filed under creativity

Kashi's World--Ann Arbor Artist Brings Magical, Spiritual Touch to Her Creations

In Kashi’s world, there are jewels and feathers, sequins and stars, belts, beads, shiny threads, and smooth shells. There’s lace and flowers, a touch of whimsy, a hint of darkness, and a tangible passion for art.

The Creations and Howls of Darryl "Barking Dog" Brown

There is a frenetic energy. There is also a stillness. There is a shape propelling into infinity. There is a cluster of dots, bound so tightly together it makes a heart ache. Here, in this painting, the creative freedom of dreams is restricted only by canvas size. Darryl “Barking Dog” Brown paints to create works that “connect us to the spirit world, through which we may learn to live a more sustainable life on planet Earth.”

The Modern Lost Boy--Balancing Inner Divinity

As I drove down a familiar road on a particularly sunny August day, I stumbled upon a sign just at the edge of the street that read, “discipline equals freedom.” Ironically, this inspirational motto was posted by a storage facility on Ann Arbor’s southeastern tip. Even more interesting, this seemingly insignificant board would almost instantly redirect the course of my life— dramatic, I know.

Becoming Me, Again: The Dance of Transformation

My greatest gift is that I lead with the heart. Like a blooming yellow rose, I experience my life as a continuous, golden unfolding. Despite the daily stresses that human life brings, abundance, gratitude, and joy are my daily diet—synchronicity, intuition, and faith are my guiding lights.

Leaps of Faith: The Thrift Depot

This column is a look at two brave souls who took a leap of faith to open their own business. What follows is a personal profile of Josh and Jen Maxam who are following their dreams and thriving despite the odds—and Covid.

Happiness is Just a Twist Away: An Interview with Balloon Artist, Carolynn Hayman

It is possible you’ve met Ann Arbor’s Carolynn Hayman before, without even realizing it. Perhaps it was at a pride festival, where she skipped down the streets with a rainbow mane, a pair of hooves, and a bright pink horn atop her head. Or maybe it was at a bookstore, where she danced in a lobster costume, complete with bright red claws and googly eyes. She may have even showed up at your birthday party, a bright bouquet of flowers in her hands. What do all these events have in common? Hayman, owner of Pop! Designs & Creations, promises one thing: she creates unique balloon experiences “for every occasion.”

The Transformative Power of Raqs Sharqi – Belly Dancing with Sheila May

Raqs Sharqi, or in Westernized terms, “belly dance,” is a classical style of Egyptian dance utilizing complex movements of the torso, arms, and hips. It is widely known as a playful and sensual dance that celebrates the feminine form. Belly dance movements have been inspired by a long history of dances ranging from within Egypt to other cultures across Eurasia.

Ann Arbor's Little Free Libraries: The Book Sharing Movement Goes Big-Time

When Kathleen Wright, a beloved Ann Arbor elementary school teacher and self-confessed “bookaholic,” first heard about Little Free Libraries (LFLs) in 2014, she and her husband knew immediately that they wanted to install one outside their home on the Old West Side. “I thought it was one of the most marvelous ideas I had ever heard of,” said Kathleen.

Visual Journaling: Image and Word, a Journey to Self-expression

This quote is sometimes attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte, who said, "A good sketch is better than a long speech." Creating a journal with images and words is a place to honor your experiences through exercises that expand your own process of describing your world and your distinct expression of it. It is a journey into the heart of self-expression, free from competition and comparison.

A Charming Faerie Baby

Oh, the last days of fall! Soon the flowers will be snuggling into their winter beds, the birds will fly south, and little faeries will begin to hibernate. In the spirit of these little environmental sprites, I’ve designed a cute little faerie baby reusing a plastic deli container (I’m sure you have some of those laying around since we’ve all been supporting our local restaurants delivery service through the pandemic). You can use the plastic bauble you make as a magnet, make a pin or a charm, or tie it to a lovely winter gift.

Conscious Parenting: Focus on Connection

Parents are under a high degree of stress right now. Racism and its effects, a pandemic, an election year, environmental disasters—all are our backdrop as we surf waves of work and kids’ schooling. Now more than ever, it’s essential to bring ourselves—and our parenting—back to the basics.

Posted on January 1, 2021 and filed under Children, Columns, creativity, Issue#76, Parenting.

Making Friends with Your Subconscious in Creative Writing

There are such depths within us all — how do we, as writers, access and use the material that is in our subconscious minds? In her book, Archetypes for Writers, Jennifer Van Bergen affirms that “Writing takes place in the subconscious…. The subconscious actually operates — in everyone — as an independent mind. It perceives, processes, and retains things that never enter the conscious mind at all.

Posted on December 30, 2017 and filed under Writing, creativity.

SoulCollage® — Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World

SoulCollage® is an intuitive practice that gently guides us home to our own inner knowing and guidance. It captured my heart at an impromptu offering during a spiritual retreat over six years ago. With SoulCollage®, there was immediacy, a sense of synchronicity, and an alignment with everything I loved: the creative process, spiritual practice, and inner cultivation. I was surprised by its simplicity. I wondered how collaging images to make a deck of cards could tend the soul.

Posted on December 30, 2017 and filed under Art & Craft, Intuition, Journaling, Mindfulness, creativity.