
By Peggy River Singer

When I was a kid, every child knew who Jack Frost was. The first elegant white tracery on a window was cause for celebration, since it indicated the arrival of sledding and skating weather. We all know Jack's legend, which is timeless and full of charm. Read on to hear more from Jack himself!

 River: Hello, Jack! Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed for the Crazy Wisdom Blog.

Jack: [chuckling] Welcome. I DO like that intro you just created -- so many happy memories from your own childhood! I am honored to have provided them for you.

River: Thanks! Our readers would like to know whether you are a deity of some kind? How should we address you?

Jack: I'm not a deity. You can say I'm a Nature Spirit, if you need a title. And you can just call me Jack.

River: How would you describe your job?

Jack: Well, as you said, my frost messages are indicators of seasonal change. I understand how important the date of my arrival and departure is to many humans, so they know how to care for their plantings and animals. Creator directs my work in a general way, according to what he/she and Gaia agree upon for a given seasonal period.

River: I've always felt that you live in great joy.

Jack: [laughs] Bingo! I do enjoy my work, but my greatest pleasure is to decorate the world with beauty during a time of year when color fades from the landscape.

River: Are you involved with snow, at all?

Jack: Nope. Different department. The Snow Queen and I have conferences occasionally, but that's about it. We can connect easily without the necessity of physical visits.

River: Do you have any assistants in your work?

Jack: Oh, yes! Primarily the Frost Faeries. We work very well together, and they do the majority of the actual stenciling and even create their own unique designs. We have a whole system of annual displays around the world, much like humans and their Christmas light displays.

River: How do you come up with your frost patterns?

Jack: It never gets boring! There's an infinite number of variations and combinations of variations. Plus, all the special designs that can be created with variations in air pressure, micro-climates, the kind of surface involved, the chemical compounds in the moisture, and all that sort of thing.

River: It never occurred to me that your work could be so technical! Were you chosen for your job, or born into it?

Jack: You can say I was born or created to be perfectly qualified for this specific job, including my great love of beauty and design. There has only ever been one of me, and I am very, very old indeed!

River: May I ask whether you have a family?

 Jack: Not in the human sense of a group of people who are physically related. My social family is vast, if you consider how many Snow Faeries there are; plus many other beings. I have occasionally thought about what it would be like to have a spouse, but I have no emotional connection to the concept and do not yearn for what I am not designed to experience.

River: Do you ever visit warm parts of the Earth, or are you restricted to colder places?

Jack: Good question. I am not exactly restricted to colder areas, but I do feel more comfortable there. I've visited much of the planet over the centuries, as well as taking trips off-world from time to time. Travel has beneficial effects for me, as it does for humans. When you are as old as I am, variety is especially treasured.


River: You've been a part of human cultures for such a long time, that we feel very familiar with you. Is there anything you'd be willing to share with us, that we don't know about you?

Jack: [laughing] Let me see, now... My physical form is very changeable, but my usual appearance is as a sparkling glow of light; so bright you would shield your eyes. If I want to go among humans, I can take on a human form for a short while, but it takes a lot of energy to maintain a solid shape. I dearly love children; to see their eyes open wide when they see one of my frost paintings warms my heart. Will that do?

River: Yes, thank you so much!

Jack: You're very welcome. I enjoyed it.

Peggy River Singer is a heart-centered animal communicator, Reiki practitioner, medium, faerie ally, and lifelong writer. She combines her gift for communications with her psychic abilities to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Connect by phone at 734-548-0194; and by email at newbluecanoe@aol.com. She shares her experiences and insights on her blog, angelsfairiesandlife.wordpress.com.

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Posted on November 15, 2019 and filed under Faeries, Nature, Spirituality, Winter.