Have You Ever Heard The Groundhogs Sing?


By Peggy River Singer

 I spent some time with a family of Groundhogs this morning, as they went about getting some breakfast in the cool of the day.  These animals are common in my apartment complex; most residents enjoy seeing them (especially the adorable kits), while Management puts out live traps every year because of the structural damage Groundhogs cause by digging burrows under our buildings.

As I was talking quietly to Mama and her six kits, I realized that although these animal neighbors SEEM so familiar and ordinary to us humans, they must surely have hidden depths...

Peggy: May I speak with a representative of the Groundhog people?

GH: Ready and waiting in the wings, as you people say! What a delightful opportunity, we look forward to talking about ourselves!

Peggy: I think we connected so easily because of the time I spent with the family this morning?

GH: Yes, of course. They were fully aware of your good intentions, as you could tell by the fact that they were so relaxed in your presence. It was explained to the children the importance of trusting their instincts about allowing humans to get so close. It was a valuable learning experience, for which the Mama, in particular, is appreciative.

Peggy: I'm glad to hear that. What names do the babies have?

GH: The leading male is called Snort, other names are Flower, Root, Sunny Place to Bask In, Deep Comfort is Mama's name, Find-the-Food, New Places, Wonder Sky, Look-and-Look. Like your own people, we often have a couple of names we are known by.

Peggy: Deep Comfort is such a wonderful name for a mother! May I speak to her?

GH: She politely acknowledges your request, but is much involved in preparing her kits to set out on their own very soon.

Peggy: I understand, please thank her for me. [I "see" Deep Comfort nod her head in response.] Can you help me understand the spiritual nature of Groundhogs?

GH: Indeed, we have been waiting for this question! We have a very "deep" [intentional pun] connection with Mother Gaia. As master tunnelers -- like moles, worms, and others -- we are in a constant process of exchanging the energies of Above with the energies of Below, simply by our movements back and forth. You have observed that our burrows are complex, with multiple levels and "rooms" for particular uses. This is far more than a simple organizational system! At all times and in all possible ways, we are servants of the Energy of the All.

We prefer to dig under solid structures of some kind, for the safety and security that will allow us to pursue our special tasks with fewer distractions. For those humans who object to our burrows, we say: Look to the quality and "wellbeing" of your structure, perhaps we send you a message of inadequate -- what is the word... -- integrity in the building thereof. Not always, but often enough, we REVEAL rather than CREATE structural weakness. Yes, we are blamed for the problem, but we do not mind. We can always find another place to dig! [GH winks at me.]

In our own way, we are as complex as humans are. Some of us treasure the sight of twinkling stars; some study the subtle movements of plants as they grow; some are loners; some think about great matters. Each individual is unique.

Peggy: How would you describe your relationship to Creator?

GH: Again, the perfect word is DEEP in all its connotations. Creator is a part of us, we are each a part of Creator. It is quite wonderful.

 Peggy: Do your people enjoy social gatherings? Music? Other entertainments?

GH: Understand please that our lifestyle is that males travel to find females, who maintain their own territory that is good for the raising of babies. So, what you call "social gatherings" take place in the mind-talk that connects everyone. In this way, potential parental relationships are explored prior to mating season. News, ideas, teachings and histories are exchanged, for the special advantage [benefit] of the young. And WE SING, yes we do, in tones the human ear cannot ponder. Our SINGING is WHO we ARE. Listen...

Peggy: Oh my gosh, it sounds like angels!

GH: [pleased] Good for you, that you are able to perceive these tones! In future, you can connect and ask to hear our singings, especially at the New Moon and Full Moon.

Peggy: What an honor, thank you!

GH: You are wondering whether we use our singing in the task of balancing of energies: indeed yes! All beings (both living and "inanimate") are capable of this kind of singing the balance. In times of distress and vast disaster, you may rely on it that we sing, all of us "animal" beings around the world, to bring balance. And yes, when Australia was burning, we joined the singing of peace and relief, and welcomed the newly released souls. When the Amazon fires blackened the skies of a continent, we sang. This is a part of our unseen lives that will now be known and appreciated by humankind, and that is a huge leaping forward in awareness.

 Peggy: I feel deeply touched by hearing this. Is there anything else you'd like to share today?

GH: Very simply, everything and everyone is more than what the eyes alone can perceive. Go deep within, and open yourself to possibilities. We are done, for now.

 Peggy River Singer is a Lightworker, all-species communicator, medium, faerie ally, Reiki practitioner, and lifelong writer. She combines her gifts to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Connect by email at newbluecanoe@aol.com. Previous columns, interviews, and articles about her experiences and insights are posted on angelsfairiesandlife.wordpress.com.





Posted on June 15, 2021 and filed under animals, Intuition, Nature.